Bonnier News


The media industry is undergoing significant changes with new digital services and revised business models. To meet these challenges, companies need to attract new employees, develop new skills and strengthen the culture.

Bonnier News, a privately owned media company, has over 8,500 employees and 100 media brands. Management and HR decided to change the organization towards more decentralized decision-making, while creating a clearer structure and increased cooperation towards "Ett Bonnier News".

In order to create clarity for leaders and employees, it was identified which leadership competencies were important to drive this change and supporting initiatives with a portfolio of leadership and employee development programs and work around a strengthened feedback culture have been implemented.

kick-off med Bonnier News Change Maker program

Bonnier News, with over 8,000 employees, knows the importance of good leadership. When people grow, the organization grows!


The initiatives and programs that have been created and implemented include: Leadership Competency Model: The leadership team and 150+ leaders participated in workshops to shape six competency areas based on UCF's competency framework. This laid the foundation for a common language around leadership and became the framework for the development initiatives that followed was carried out.

Some of these were and are:
New as a manager in Bonnier: A group-wide leadership program that spanned 1+1+1 days. The program focuses on understanding the managerial and leadership role, understanding and being able to lead oneself and others.

Experienced manager within Bonnier News: Leadership program with a focus on managing larger work groups based on a more transformative leadership, that lead in matrix and conflict management.

Lead in change within Bonnier News: How can I lead myself and others sustainably and be a safe role model and an optimistic driving force in constant change.

Change Maker program: A transformative leadership program that aims to develop key people within the organization to be able to lead it into the future. The program also includes group coaching and internal mentoring.

Systematic work with self-leadership and feedback culture: Continuous work to build a culture of self-leadership, feedback and reflection.

Workshops with a combination of analog and digital learning methods, individual and group-based learning, training and practical application at work.


The results show satisfied managers, behavioral changes and improved employee satisfaction. Bonnier News both meets and drives change with increased adaptability and developed competence.

Some important results:

  • Approximately 400 managers and over 1,000 employees have participated in various programs and efforts, with an average satisfaction rating of 4.5 on a 5-point scale.
  • Program participants and their managers report significant behavioral changes, including better decision-making, increased trust and commitment from their team.
  • Employee satisfaction surveys between 2019-2022 show improvements in the leadership index area as well as increased engagement. The percentage of teams led by leaders who receive the overall rating of "excellent leadership" has increased by 15%. These results are particular notable because they were achieved during periods of significant organizational change and a telework pandemic.
  • The work to build a feedback culture has led to an increased degree of feedback in the organization, which is a positive behavior change.

Bonnier News' efforts to develop its leadership culture and competence have strengthened the organization, its leaders and employees in meet ongoing and future challenges.

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